What Pub Charity Limited ( PCL ) do
Pub Charity Limited distributes donations to worthy community organisations all over New Zealand through the funds raised in gaming machines hosted in their member hotels and taverns.
PCL first began raising donations funds for New Zealand communities in 1987. That’s 35 years of excellent partnerships with our venues, 35 years of great entertainment for the players and 35 years supporting communities all over New Zealand.
Three things set PCL apart
First, PCL never loses sight of the fact that without the hotels and taverns that host their gaming machines, there would be no Pub Charity Limited – and no community funds.
The distribution of our funds is also unique. PCL looks to support a large number of organisations from across the spectrum – community groups, health, sport, education, emergency services, environment, culture – all receive equal consideration by the Net Proceeds Committee.
Finally, PCL has a policy of returning funds back into the communities where they were raised – and this isn’t just by area. The Net Proceeds Committee always takes note of the suburbs and small communities where funds are being raised to ensure they are the ones that benefit.
PCL offers funding to community and non-profit organisations
If you are apply funding as an individual, please read another articles

Ready for apply
1. Go to https://www.pubcharitylimited.org.nz/ and click at the right top

2.Register your detail

3.Complete your registration

Apply for funding
Remember to ensure your application is correct and complete and all the required documentation has been provided – Pub Charity Limited takes no responsibility for incomplete or incorrect applications.
TIP: Get your application in early. That way if we have any questions or PCL thinks something is missing, there might be time to come back and ask you. If there’s no time for this, your application may miss out on the funding round.
Once you have loaded your organisation details, you’ll be able to access your Applicant Dashboard each time you apply.
Applying online is quick and simple:
- you only need to provide your organisation details the first time you apply
- you don’t need to rely on the postal system to get your application in on time
- PCL can process your application more quickly, which means if you’re missing any info we can get back to you sooner and hopefully get your application sorted in plenty of time.
Can I still send in a hard copy application?
No – PCL is no longer accepting hard copy applications.
I did not receive the Declaration form/ Letter of consent from the getting started email.
If you did not receive the getting started email or the Declaration was not attached you can download the required form here.
Before you apply for a Pub Charity Limited grant, make sure you read the information below carefully – it will tell you whether you are eligible for funding, what you need to complete the application process, and what happens once PCL receives your application.
Step 1: Find out if you’re eligible for funding
Our funding criteria
All applications must meet Pub Charity Limited’s funding criteria. Before applying, check that you meet our Grants Criteria and that your application is for an Authorised Purpose. It is also a good idea to check our FAQs page as this will clear up a number of common issues.
Availability of grant funding in your area
Pub Charity Limited returns our funding back in the regions where the funds were raised. Click here to find out whether we have funds available in your area. We also set some funds aside to support national organisations.
Step 2: Complete the application process
Check you have everything you need
To complete the application process you need the following:
- a bank deposit slip or a bank statement in your organisation’s name
- a resolution from your organisation to apply to Pub Charity Limited
- at least two quotes (where applicable) addressed to your organisation for each item applied for
- proof of non-profit status
- a copy of your organisation’s financial accounts
- evidence of your organisation’s affiliation to a regional or national body where applicable.
Make sure you complete all relevant sections of the online application and provide all additional documentation required. We are unable to process your application without all the required information.
Once you have loaded your organisation details, you’ll be able to access your Applicant Dashboard each time you apply – read How to Access Your Applicant Dashboard to find out how to access and use it.
Applications must be submitted by 5 pm on the deadline date to be processed for the next Net Proceeds Committee meeting – click here to find out our deadline dates for the coming year.
Step 3: We assess your application
First, we check that your application has been completed properly and that you have provided all the required documentation. If information is missing, you will be asked to provide it. This may mean your application misses the monthly deadline and it will be held until the next cycle.
Please note that we only hold applications over for one month – after that, if the required information still hasn’t been received, your application will be declined.
Pub Charity Limited’s Net Proceeds Committee will consider all applications that have been completed properly and contain all the required information and documentation. They will decide whether your application has been approved or declined.
If your application is accepted:
Within a week of your application being approved, Pub Charity Limited will make a grant funding payment into the nominated bank account you provided by direct credit and will mail a remittance advice to the address provided in your application.
If your application is declined:
You should receive a letter approximately seven working days after the Net Proceeds Committee has met. You can re-apply for Pub Charity Limited funding, but you need to complete a new application.
Your letter will outline the reasons for declining an application – this is generally for one or more of the following reasons:

If you wish to make a complaint about a declined application, please send us your complaint in writing requesting that you would like the decision to be reviewed and outlining why you think our decision was incorrect. See our Complaints process here.
Step 4: What you need to do next
Spend your grant funding
Grant funding must be used within three months of deposit into your bank account and for the purpose stated on your application form.
If you don’t use the entire Pub Charity Limited grant, or you received funds from any other sources for the same purpose(s) as you applied to Pub Charity Limited, you must return the unspent amount along with receipts and invoices for the amount that you have spent.
Current regulations require that funds are used for the specific purpose for which you applied, so unspent grant funding cannot be used for anything else.
Complete the Accountability Report
A grant Accountability Report must be completed and returned to Pub Charity Limited within three months of receiving funds, along with copies of receipts and invoices, and a copy of a bank statement verifying payment of invoices. If you received your funding before 10 February 2021, you can login to to complete your report here.
If you received your funding after 10 February 2021, you can login to to complete you can login to to complete your report here.
Your application may be audited
Pub Charity Limited is required to demonstrate how we dealt with each application for a grant. When you apply for funds, your organisation must agree to an audit/inspection to check that your grant is received and used correctly. If you are audited, this could involve inspecting your organisation’s books, accounts, or data systems to check that:
- you sent all relevant receipts and invoices to Pub Charity Limited within three months
- you declared any applications made to other funding sources for the same purpose, the amounts requested and any known outcomes
- you returned the unspent balance of the Pub Charity Limited grant if you received funds from other sources for the same purpose(s)
- you returned the unspent balance if you did not use the entire Pub Charity Limited grant.
Note: If your organisation has not met all the reporting and/or audit requirements from previous applications, any new application is likely to be declined.
Acknowledge our support
While acknowledging our support is not a requirement, it is an important part of communicating the vital role that organisations like Pub Charity Limited play in your community. Here are some ways you might acknowledge our support of your organisation:
- Mention us in your newsletter, website or magazine
- Tell your supporters about your grant funding on social media
- Acknowledge us at your event
- Approach local newspaper/radio stations about our support
- Place our logo on uniforms and/or equipment
- Name an event, building, team, competition, piece of equipment or training programme after us
- Put up plaques or signs with our logo around your premises/facilities.
Download a copy of the Pub Charity Limited logo here.
Step 5: We publish the details of your grant
Your organisation’s name and the amount donated will be published, in accordance with a Department of Internal Affairs requirement, on our website. To see lists of recent recipients, click here.
Log in and apply
You get an email to login to this dashboard and click Apply now

Apply for funding from PCL by using this online portal. In order for you to be able to apply, PCL requires a quick registration of your details. If you require personal assistance at any point during the process please feel free to contact PCL directly
email: grants@pubcharitylimited.org.nz
phone: (+64) 4 385-6100